Ukrainian IT is developing rapidly, having already become Ukraine's second-largest export industry. Ukrainian products and companies can be found all over the world. Some of them have become so large and globally recognized. Yet, only a few people know where these companies are from or who the developers of these products are.
That's why we created Incredible Tech, an effective tool for promoting Ukraine's IT industry internationally.

It is a tool for raising awareness of Ukrainian IT capabilities, attracting investment to the industry, and helping existing IT businesses scale up. 
Incredible Tech is a list of excellent and promising Ukrainian IT products and companies divided by industry verticals. You can find among them both small but up-and-coming companies and huge tech companies whose products are used by millions of people and businesses worldwide.










The catalog is a tool that helps discover and engage with innovative products from Ukrainian IT companies



Private investors, companies, or international funds seeking opportunities to invest in innovative and promising IT products and innovative companies.


Business Partners

IT companies or enterprises interested in entering into partnership agreements, collaboration, and utilizing technologies from Ukrainian developers.


Governmental Organisations

Ukrainian companies offer unique IT solutions that can be implemented at the state level across various sectors such as the economy, education, healthcare, administrative services, smart city solutions and more.



Businesses and organizations searching for innovative IT solutions to enhance their operations.


The catalog is a tool that helps discover and engage with innovative products from Ukrainian IT companies



Private investors, companies, or international funds seeking opportunities to invest in innovative and promising IT products and innovative companies.


Business Partners

IT companies or enterprises interested in entering into partnership agreements, collaboration, and utilizing technologies from Ukrainian developers.


Government Organizations

Ukrainian companies offer unique IT solutions that can be implemented at the state level across various sectors such as the economy, education, healthcare, administrative services, smart city solutions and more.



Businesses and organizations searching for innovative IT solutions to enhance their operations.


Events where the catalogue will be presented




A company should meet the following criteria to be included in the catalogue:

  • 1. Be Ukrainian

    The company must be Ukrainian, i.e., have an office or be represented in Ukraine and have a Ukrainian registration and/or have Ukrainian founders.

  • 2. Be in IT and position itself as such

    The company must belong to the IT industry and position itself as an IT company, which means it must engage in one or more of the qualified activities:
    ● Development and testing of software, including computer game releases
    ● Publication and distribution of software, in particular SaaS
    ● eSports
    ● Training in computer literacy, programming, testing and technical support of software
    ● Cyber security
    ● R&D in IT and telecom
    ● Digital marketing and Ads using software developed with the residents’ participation
    ● Services related to the circulation of virtual assets
    ● Robotics
    ● Development, implementation and support of solutions for international card payment systems
    ● Production of technological products for use in the defense, industrial and household spheres
    ● Hosting, in particular cloud data centers

  • 3. Be active

    The company must be active, i.e. continue activities on the territory of Ukraine and/or abroad and get income from the product/service sales in 2023.

  • 4. Have an iconic product or significant expertise in its creation

    The company must have an iconic product or significant expertise in creating the product.

  • 5. Be engaged in export or experienced in it

    The company is engaged in export activities or has experience in this matter.

  • 6. Be visible, communicative, and promote brand with media presence

    The company must be recognisable to the audience, active in communication, appear in the media, promote its brand and product, etc. It can also be featured in various media industry ratings, for example,, Forbes,, etc.

Expert council


Oleksiy Uros

Vice President on Legal Affairs ITU, Director of Business Development, Asters


Denys Grynov

Vice President on Educational issues ITU, Head of EРАМ University in Ukraine


Liubov Danylina

Vice President on Small and Medium Business issues ITU, Country Manager Payoneer


Ihor Polych

Vice President on International Cooperation ITU, СЕО Devlight


Nina Vasylyova

Vice President on PR issues ITU, Director of corporate communications in EPAM Ukraine


Konstantin Magaletskyi

Vice President on Partnerships issues ITU, ex-partner of Horizon Capital, co-founder of Ukraine Recovery Fund, Angel Investor


Dmytro Gryn

CEO at Jooble, Job Aggregator


Valery Krasovsky

Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder, Sigma Software

Expert council


Oleksiy Uros

Vice President on Legal Affairs ITU, Director of Business Development, Asters


Denys Grynov

Vice President on Educational issues ITU, Head of EРАМ University in Ukraine


Lyubov Danilova

Vice President on Small and Medium Business issues ITU, Country Manager Payoneer


Ihor Polych

Vice President on International Cooperation ITU, СЕО Devlight


Nina Vasylyova

Vice President on PR issues ITU, Director of corporate communications in EPAM Ukraine


Konstantin Magaletskyi

Vice President on Partnerships issues ITU, ex-partner of Horizon Capital, co-founder of Ukraine Recovery Fund, Angel Investor


Dmytro Gryn

CEO at Jooble, Job Aggregator


Valery Krasovsky

Chief Executive Officer, Co-Founder, Sigma Software


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If you want to become a part of the project, propose a partnershipor want to discuss your own initiative - contact us.
We are open to cooperation!



Mykhailo Fedorov

Vice Prime Minister for Innovations, Development of Education, Science and Technologies – Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Ukraine is a country of creative and talented people, of ideas that come to reality within days, and where the newest technologies are born today.
The IT sector has always been one of the key priorities for the Ministry of Digital Transformation. Now it's one of the key priorities for the entire country.
As it proved to be the most resilient during the full-scale russian invasion, today our country is already the best test ground for all the newest technologies. We are especially betting on developing defense tech solutions that will let our country win and defend our freedom and democracy.
Ukraine is proud to be a homeland for hundreds well-known IT companies and startups, which managed to develop & scale even in war time conditions, during blackouts and missile attacks. I encourage to support Ukrainian tech industry, by investing in our people & products they create — you invest in future of free democratic world.


Olena Samborska

President IT Ukraine Association

The Information Technology (IT) industry stands as one of Ukraine's most youthful and thriving sectors, persistently advancing even amidst the challenging backdrop of wartime. With a proactive stance in adopting novel approaches and cutting-edge technologies, it plays a pivotal role in developing talents and moving forward groundbreaking products.
We take great pleasure in introducing a catalog showcasing Ukrainian IT companies and their innovative products. This catalog serves as compelling evidence that Ukraine's technology landscape has a profound impact on reshaping the global landscape, and influencing how the world works, communicates, and innovates.
This collaborative endeavor has been realized through the mutual efforts of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the IT Ukraine Association and the TopLead Agency. The IT Ukraine Association stands as the foremost national association of IT companies, representing the interests of over 85,000 IT experts.
It passionately advocates for the alignment of business, governmental, and international stakeholders in boosting the technological industry's growth within Ukraine.


Stanislav Shum

CEOTop Lead

Tap. Click.
The fact is that behind the millions of buttons and millions of customers who are clicking on smartphones worldwide today is a product or IT infrastructure created by Ukrainian engineers and entrepreneurs.
Which solutions exactly were built by the incredible minds of the Ukrainian people? Well, you can find them in this catalog. Trust me, it is quite possible that the navigation software that guides you in your car was created or maintained by teams from Ukraine.
And many other technologies or applications are helping our army liberate the land right now. Ukrainian IT is truly incredible. You can find it on your next tap or click right after reading this guide.


Laurent Dupuch

Chairman of the ManagementBoard UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group

Investing in new technologies is one of the strategic areas of UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group activities.
Ukrainian IT is one of the world leaders in scale and development, and growth pace. We are firmly convinced that the support of Ukrainian IT significantly contributes to the development of the global IT market and the creation of modern products and tech solutions.
Ukraine is already well-known in the world as an IT hub where talented, dedicated and highly professional engineers work; they create unique projects supported by UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group. In our digital world, where technological progress is rapidly evolving, cooperation with experienced IT companies is critical to success. They help to improve business processes, ensure data security, develop innovative solutions, and implement digital transformation strategies.



Mykhailo Fedorov

Vice Prime Minister for Innovations, Development of Education, Science and Technologies – Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Ukraine is a country of creative and talented people, of ideas that come to reality within days, and where the newest technologies are born today.
The IT sector has always been one of the key priorities for the Ministry of Digital Transformation. Now it's one of the key priorities for the entire country.

  • Read more

    As it proved to be the most resilient during the full-scale russian invasion, today our country is already the best test ground for all the newest technologies. We are especially betting on developing defense tech solutions that will let our country win and defend our freedom and democracy.

    Ukraine is proud to be a homeland for hundreds well-known IT companies and startups, which managed to develop & scale even in war time conditions, during blackouts and missile attacks. I encourage to support Ukrainian tech industry, by investing in our people & products they create — you invest in future of free democratic world.


Olena Samborska

President IT Ukraine Association

The Information Technology (IT) industry stands as one of Ukraine's most youthful and thriving sectors, persistently advancing even amidst the challenging backdrop of wartime. With a proactive stance in adopting novel approaches and cutting-edge technologies, it plays a pivotal role in developing talents and moving forward groundbreaking products.

  • Read more

    We take great pleasure in introducing a catalog showcasing Ukrainian IT companies and their innovative products. This catalog serves as compelling evidence that Ukraine's technology landscape has a profound impact on reshaping the global landscape, and influencing how the world works, communicates, and innovates.

    This collaborative endeavor has been realized through the mutual efforts of the Ministry of Digital Transformation, the IT Ukraine Association and the TopLead Agency. The IT Ukraine Association stands as the foremost national association of IT companies, representing the interests of over 85,000 IT experts.

    It passionately advocates for the alignment of business, governmental, and international stakeholders in boosting the technological industry's growth within Ukraine.


Stanislav Shum

CEOTop Lead

Tap. Click.
The fact is that behind the millions of buttons and millions of customers who are clicking on smartphones worldwide today is a product or IT infrastructure created by Ukrainian engineers and entrepreneurs.

  • Read more

    Which solutions exactly were built by the incredible minds of the Ukrainian people? Well, you can find them in this catalog. Trust me, it is quite possible that the navigation software that guides you in your car was created or maintained by teams from Ukraine.

    And many other technologies or applications are helping our army liberate the land right now. Ukrainian IT is truly incredible. You can find it on your next tap or click right after reading this guide.



Laurent Dupuch

Chairman of the ManagementBoard UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group

Investing in new technologies is one of the strategic areas of UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group activities.
Ukrainian IT is one of the world leaders in scale and development, and growth pace. We are firmly convinced that the support of Ukrainian IT significantly contributes to the development of the global IT market and the creation of modern products and tech solutions.

  • Read more

    Ukraine is already well-known in the world as an IT hub where talented, dedicated and highly professional engineers work; they create unique projects supported by UKRSIBBANK BNP Paribas Group. In our digital world, where technological progress is rapidly evolving, cooperation with experienced IT companies is critical to success. They help to improve business processes, ensure data security, develop innovative solutions, and implement digital transformation strategies.


  • What are the Legal Tips for Investors in Ukrainian IT companies?

    Be prepared for international dynamics:A Ukrainian IT business typically operates with development centers in Ukraine while registering front offices and holdings in the EU, USA, or other states.
    Pay attention to the staffing structure:Engaging independent contractors instead of employees is a widespread practice in the Ukrainian IT sector. Such companies have fewer tax obligations and compliance requirements compared to those using an outdated labor code of Soviet standard. However, tax or labor authorities may classify these contractors as regular employees, resulting in potential exposure to substantial penalties.
    Be ready to handle the IP paperwork:IT companies require IP assignment agreements and extensive paperwork to establish their IP rights for works-for-hire created before 2023. 
    NCA&NSA commitments have limits:Non-compete and non-solicit commitments by staff are generally unenforceable outside of Diia City.  
    Be aware of venture tools specifics in Ukraine:Convertible loans, options, and SHA are legally recognized in Ukraine but often require unanimous consent from all shareholders and other preparatory measures. SAFE are applicable only to Ukrainian legal entities that are already established. 
    Currency control will set restrictions:Ukraine has imposed currency limitation during the periods of Martial Law, which encompass restrictions on loan repayments and dividend distribution abroad. 
    Additional insights into Ukraine’s legal environment:Aequo has also developed its own Guide to Rebuilding Ukraine in the industrial & legal environment, covering most promising industries, including tech, defense and aerospace -
    Need legal advice or assistance?

  • What led to the inception of the concept to compile a catalogue featuring Ukrainian IT companies?

    The idea was born out of necessity - before the catalogue was created, there was no single guide that would collect all potentially attractive Ukrainian product IT companies and promising IT products for investment. We realised that such companies and products should be combined into one convenient tool that opens up more opportunities for international companies to get to know the world of Ukrainian innovations.

  • What sets Ukrainian IT companies and their products apart in terms of uniqueness?

    The Ukrainian technology industry has a lot to be proud of. All companies and products included in the catalogue are exclusively made in Ukraine. This they have Ukrainian registration or a Ukrainian founder and an office or representative office in Ukraine. The advantages of working with Ukraine are the high technological expertise of Ukrainian IT teams, innovative solutions and high-quality management. Companies are flexible and quickly adapt to changes in the market, taking into account the customer’s needs and the conditions of the business environment.

  • How to use the catalogue?

    There are two conditional sections of the catalogue - product IT companies that are ready to cooperate with international partners, clients, investors, and IT products themselves, which are presented based on a specific orientation. And separately, we allocated a block of service companies - market leaders, who also develop outsourced products.

  • How to choose a product or company for cooperation?

    Use filters and categories in the catalogue to select products or companies that match your needs and interests. In the company profile, you will find a brief description of the company, its advantages and uniqueness, as well as contact details. Feel free to write to the company directly to arrange a meeting and discuss potential joint plans.

  • How to register a company or product in the catalogue?

    To register, use the appropriate form on the website and add the necessary information about your company or product. After moderation and verification of compliance with the criteria, information about the company or product will appear in the catalogue.

  • Why were certain globally recognised Ukrainian IT companies and products excluded from the catalogue, and what was the rationale behind this decision?

    The key requirement for a company or product to be included in the catalogue is that they must be ‘made in Ukraine’.
    A company might not be included for several reasons: it is not Ukrainian and it was figured out during the selection (registered in another country, re-registration took place, etc.) or it does not meet other selection criteria:
    The company's openness to receiving investments: it is the appropriate maturity of the company, its relative stability.
    Product innovation or the company's own contribution to the technological component. To what extent the product is unique and competitive within the global market.

  • How to contact us and get additional information?

    We are open to cooperation. Please email us at au.gro.eniarkuti%40olleh or call +38 099 266 39 03