NLSQL is an AI-powered tool that allows users to access and analyse data using natural language queries only. With NLSQL, anyone can interact with databases and extract valuable insights without the need for complex SQL queries, dashboards or programming skills.



NLSQL transforms data access by bridging the gap between users and databases. With a natural language interface and AI-driven analytics, non-technical users can effortlessly retrieve critical insights, democratizing data access for informed decision-making.


Top benefits of the product

Best Industry NLP to SQL API accuracy, Flexibility with integrations both for User Interface and Data Source, handling ambiguities with additional questions, Microsoft Teams and cloud native, SAP integration.


Why is this product incredible?

We explore business opportunities in a several fields: Banking and Finance, Healthcare, Retail and E-commerce, Commodity trading. We aim to develop best value proposition for each segment through proof of concept in pilot projects of the leading enterprises.